Rear Office/48-50 Frenchs Road


Ultra Cheap Office/Storage in Willoughby

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Ultra Cheap Office/Storage in Willoughby

Great opportunity to take budget office space, or use as easy storage. Ultra affordable rent makes this space extremely versatile.

There's also options to take shop-front space to increase your exposure if desired.

Office areas from 64m2 up to 130m2
Take adjoining retail space if desired
Desks and furniture included
Boardroom with table & chairs
Parking at rear
Shared amenities
Extremely affordable rent

Contact Sutton Anderson for more information today!




Listing ID: 4592
Total Area: 60 sqm Lease Price: $21,331 PA + GST Type: Office Car Space: 1 Car Space Rent Reviews: Negotiable Options: Nil

All the prices quoted are exclusive of GST

Note: All building and land areas quoted are approximate; prospective purchasers and tenants must make their own enquiries. All sale prices and asking rentals DO NOT include GST.